Monday - Friday - 8:30 - 5:30

Personal Accounting Services

Professional tax, estate, and financial planning and solutions.

Income Tax Preparation

Beginning with the review of prior tax returns, we work with clients to project their income and create estimates. The goal being not to be surprised when tax filing time comes.

Estate Planning

Whether you have accumulated wealth or are working towards it. We would like to help you put your assets in the right vehicle to get you to where you want to go. The purpose being to reduce stress and taxes along the journey.

Tax Arbitration

It can be distressing receiving a letter from the IRS or any tax agency. Don’t panic our team of tax professionals can assist you in your correspondence.

Financial Planning

We will work with your investment advisor and attorney to help assess your needs and develop a long term plan.

Tax Planning

We prefer to proactively plan for the tax year rather than react to what took place. Tax planning takes many forms as in when to buy or sell stock, or even a home. Should you withhold more from your paycheck? How will college tuition factor into your tax return? R L Lovelace and Associates would like to assist you in those decisions.